Field Study #1

8/31/18 5:05-5:40 pm. For my first visit at my field study location, it was 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and the length of the day was 13 hours and 12 minutes. It was gorgeous weather, sunny with a light breeze coming from the North; I was surrounded by the sounds of insects buzzing about, paired with the rustling of the leaves in the trees overhead. The crystal clear water in the small creek was silent as can be. I saw a small group of fish swimming underneath a fallen log; I saw the greens in the grass and other plants surrounding me. I felt and heard the crunch of leaves long fallen underneath my feet. Then a sharp bite; a mosquito had bit my leg. I saw a single bird fly overhead through a break in the canopy of trees. I noticed some deer tracks in the sand by the water. Overall, I felt peaceful and content to be isolated for a short timeframe. Since this is my first visit, I cannot compare any changes or differences. I will be, however, prepared to notice the changes that are to come within the coming months.
