
Showing posts from November, 2018

Field Study #6

11/27/18 3:30-4:00 pm. I said my last visit was cold, but this one was even colder at a chilling 28 degrees. The length of day was 9 hours and 21 minutes. This time around there was even more snow that my previous visit, and once again, I did not see any animals during the course of my visit. It was cloudy out, and it was snowing while I was at my location, although lightly. The trees were almost completely bare of their leaves, and for the first time, I walked through the creek that was still flowing. The river was a lot wider and was flowing hard, but, other than that, the environment was relatively the same as my last visit; it was just colder and had a lot more snow. Overall, this field study experience was a lot of fun, and maybe I'll still stop by my location from time to time.

Field Study #5

11/10/18 10:35-11:05 am. This was by far my coldest visit to my field study location. It was 33 degrees Fahrenheit, and it felt even colder with 11 mph wind coming from the northwest. The length of the day was 9 hours and 54 minutes. A big difference from my last four visits, was that it was snowing! There was a thin layer of white, fluffy snow, coving the ground. I was shivering for part of my visit. I did not see any organisms that were native to the environment there. I did see a dad, with two kids, and a dog go by enjoying the winter day. That was something that I have not seen much of previously. The water in the creek was still running, but there was a tiny bit of ice forming on some of the small pools and the edges of the water. After our current unit in biology about trees and how they function, I had a better appreciation for the solid trees that surrounded me.